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developmental dyslexias การใช้

  • Sentence comprehension in young adults with developmental dyslexia.
  • Goswami's work is primarily in educational neuroscience with major focuses on reading development and developmental dyslexia.
  • Research also suggests a clear genetic basis for developmental dyslexia with abnormalities in certain language areas of the brain.
  • Similarly with developmental dyslexia, there has been considerable interest in the idea that for some children reading problems are downstream consequences of difficulties in rapid auditory processing.
  • Sentence comprehension in young adults with developmental dyslexia By Wiseheart, Altmann, Park, and Lombardino . talk ) 02 : 27, 14 March 2012 ( UTC)
  • The data also provides a neurofunctional account of developmental dyslexia, in which phonological processing deficits are linked to reading failure through a deficit in neural integration of letters and speech sounds.
  • Castles and Coltheart describe phonological and surface types of developmental dyslexia by analogy to classical subtypes of Alexia ( acquired dyslexia ) which are classified according to the rate of errors in reading non-words.
  • Deep dyslexia is usually classified as an " acquired reading disorder ", as opposed to a " developmental dyslexia ", in previously literate adults as a consequence of a brain injury.
  • A neural basis for the visual lexicon and for auditory verbal short term memory components have been proposed . with some implication that the observed neural manifestation of developmental dyslexia is task-specific ( i . e ., functional rather than structural)
  • A neural basis for the visual lexicon and for auditory verbal short term memory components have been proposed, with some implication that the observed neural manifestation of developmental dyslexia is task-specific ( i . e ., functional rather than structural ).
  • Following his clinical observations of many single cases of developmental dyslexia and the consequent identification of the more common aspects of the syndrome, he developed the Bangor Dyslexia Diagnostic Test, first published in 1982 and now translated into a number of languages including Welsh and Japanese.
  • Daniel Willingham states that " whether neuroscience can be informative to educational theory and practice is not debatable-it has been . " He draws attention to the fact that behavioural research alone was not decisive in determining whether developmental dyslexia was a disorder of primarily visual or phonological origin.
  • These people, as well as those who worked with Geschwind in his other areas of interest  epilepsy, neuroanatomy, and developmental dyslexia, primarily  have carried on in the tradition he invigorated, enriching and arguing with his basic approach to the study of behavior in a neurological context.
  • Some classical regions, such as the arcuate fasciculus, are having their " classical " roles questioned, while other regions, such as the basal temporal language zone, are growing progressively in terms of their recognized importance . with some implication that the observed neural manifestation of developmental dyslexia is task-specific ( i . e ., functional rather than structural)
  • His research career was devoted to the study of developmental dyslexia as a constitutional disorder, likely to be " a form of aphasia ", to the recognition that children with dyslexia have special education needs and that there should be a statutory obligation of schools to meet these, and, with his wife Elaine, to the development and evaluation of teaching methods to provide such support.